quarta-feira, 18 de março de 2009

birds have feelings too and would like to fuck without being spied upon by a lot of horny Brits

SPB campaign in the UK

"This was my first trip to London and people embraced me and my campaign with enthusiastic fervor. Good Conduct Society members in the UK assisted me with an initial protest to STOP BIRD PORN in Hyde Park at Speakers’ Corner. As I stood on a soapbox surrounded by dozens of people, mostly tourists, Ben and Emily passed out hundreds of flyers explaining our mission to brand Bird Watchers as voyeurs. And I urged the growing crowd of onlookers to LEAVE THE BIRDS ALONE! It doesn’t take a space scientist or member of MENSA to realize that birds do not appreciate PEEPING TOMS when they are engaged in lovemaking.
I found London to be a charming city with friendly people. On the downside, hotels are expensive, the phones don’t work well and bathtubs were built for midgets. In fact, everything is small in Great Britain. It is a tiny country that has to treasure every inch of space. There are rows of houses along small winding streets, many cobblestone ones, that are probably occupied by Lilliputians. Each home has a chimney because burning wood is cheaper than buying oil for heat.
Bird Watching has been a passionate pursuit in the British Isles for centuries. I suspect that aspect of vicarious sexual gratification by their citizens has maintained necessary population control. So, sewing your seeds in the woods helps keep the kids away. There just isn’t enough space. Nevertheless, birds have feelings too and would like to fuck without being spied upon by a lot of horny Brits who could just as well masturbate at home."


November 1, 2008

6 comentários:

  1. Proponho uma manifestação/protesto no próximo picnicão. O prezado amigo pode começar já a recolher inscrições. Ponha-me na lista, sem demoras. Pela defesa do pudor!

  2. Não sou muito dado a “manifes” mas consigo vou ao fim do mundo

  3. Se der para ir de autocarro...

  4. Estou a ver que o estimado arquiduque está como quer. Não faz nenhum.

  5. Olha!
    Que novidade!
    Não há nada de fresco!
    (mais exclamações, aos molhos!)

  6. Até eu começo a ficar impaciente com isto...
